Your use of this web site is conditioned upon your acceptance of the following terms of use.

This website is made available to you to gain easier access to information about your benefit programs.   It is deemed to be generally reliable.   However, information on this website does not overrule the official plan documents, rules, and regulations. While every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of information provided on and through this site, neither the Funds nor their Trustees or employees are or can be liable for errors.  In the event of a conflict between the wording in this website and the Plan documents that govern the Plans, the Plan documents shall govern.  Should you have any questions regarding the information provided by and through this website, you are urged to refer to the Plan Documents, Summary Plan Descriptions, and other governing documents.  

This web site contains links to other web sites not under the control of Laborers’ Pension and Welfare Funds. These links are offered for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement of those web sites.

The Funds Office makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the material on those web sites and is not liable for any expense or damages incurred as a consequence of its use, including expense or damages arising from communication failure and/or computer malfunctions associated with use of this site.