Annual Statement Required from Pension Recipients

In late January (or early February), you will receive an Annual Statement that needs to be completed and sent back to the Fund Office by May 15, 2024. This form is sent every year to verify you received all of your pension checks from the prior year, to verify your mailing address, to update your file with any new information (including your email address), and to verify that you are not working in any employment prohibited by the Plan rules. A Summary About the Kinds of Work Not Allowed is also sent every year and is included with this mailing.

Instructions for completing the Annual Statement follow:

If you did not return your Annual Statement form to the Fund Office, you will receive a reminder notice in April and May. This reminder will include another statement for you to complete. We will continue to send you reminders until we receive the completed form. If the Fund Office does not send you a reminder in April and May, then that means that we received your completed Annual Statement for this year.

Please contact the Fund Office if you have any questions or need help completing the Annual Statement.